To deploy Digiboard to cPanel

You'll typically need to follow these general steps:

1. Build Digiboard: Run the command `npm run build` in the project directory to create a production-ready build of the Digiboard. This will generate optimized and bundled files in a `dist` directory.
2. Prepare your files: Zip all the files and folders from the `dist` directory generated in the previous step and also add .htaccess file included in the doc.
3. Access cPanel: Log in to your cPanel account provided by your hosting provider.
4. File Manager: Locate the "File Manager" or "Files" section in cPanel and open it.
5. Select your domain or subdomain: Choose the domain or subdomain where you want to deploy Digiboard. This will open the File Manager for that specific location.
6. Upload files: Inside the File Manager, click the "Upload" button or option and upload all the files and folders from your local `dist` directory. You can drag and drop the files or use the file upload interface.
7. Extract files (if necessary): If you uploaded a compressed file, such as a ZIP archive, select it in the File Manager and choose the "Extract" option to extract the files and folders.
8. Verify files: Ensure that all the files and folders from Digiboard are now present in the desired location on the server.
9. Set up routing (if necessary): If the Digiboard uses client-side routing (e.g., Vue Router) and you're not using the cPanel default document (usually `index.html`), you may need to configure your server to redirect all requests to your main `index.html` file. This step may require creating or modifying an `.htaccess` file, which depends on your server's configuration. Consult your hosting provider's documentation or support for guidance on setting up routing correctly.
10. Access your Digiboard: After uploading the files and configuring routing (if necessary), you should be able to access your Digiboard by visiting your domain or subdomain in a web browser.

Steps to install and start in local server

1. Unzip the "mainFile" and you can open commad prompt in the mainFile and use command "npm install" to install node modules.
2. After installing node modules you can type the command "npm run dev" to open the web app in local server.
3. For production build use the command "npm run build".