Talim - School University & Online Education Template

Created : 17 Sept 2023
Last Update : 30 Oct 2023
By : Code Basket
Email : codebasketinfo@gmail.com

Thank you for purchasing our Template. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Main File Structure

All the file are well organized, its so easy to work with the template.
1. Unzip the main-files.
2. Open "Talim" folder.
You will find the 43 html files.
Also you will see into "assets" 6 directories, css, fonts, images, js, scss and vendor.
In the first folder Content you will find style.css and other styling files the all the other files expect the htmls.
Js folder contain only the Javascript file. Fonts folder contain essetial font files for fonts.

HTML Structure

The base structure was organized by row, col-** class

CSS Structure

SCSS Structure


Thank you for reading the documentaion. If you still have any question or any problem, please contact with us. We will give you best support.

Code Basket